Saturday, August 3, 2013

Week 3: Killing It.

This was a  serious record setting week. I raised $1000 this week to push my fundraising efforts over $2000! I've dropped my average running pace down and lifted my mileage! I don't know why it shows my average pace being fastest this week and it's not highlighted. Irks me a little cause I worked really hard for that 8:30 average. But I finished off July having run 85.3 miles. I can't wait to see the next few months stack up!

Inheritance of Hope also gave us access to the official New York Road Runners Training Plan for the NYC Marathon and so I've switched my training schedule which threw me off a little this week. Instead of running 30 miles, I was supposed to run 28 again. I met in the middle and ran 28.7. So just a little bit more than last week, but not much.

There were some hard things this week, I am back to work to trying to squeeze in workouts at the end of the day or at the very beginning of the day (6am) is a good wake-up call on how hard this is going to get when the kids are back in school.

I just completed the long run this morning, but my running group is all training for a 1/2 marathon while I am training for the full. So I had to tack on an extra three miles. Around the 9 mile mark, I was feeling super low on sugars. Thankfully I had packed a goo and choked down a double espresso goo shot. Tasted nasty initially but I felt so amazing about 30 seconds later. It made me a believer! I won't try a long run without one again.

Gear of the Week:
Nuun Electrolyte Tablets--I had a rough hot August day run on Thursday. I needed to rehydrate and these guys got me back up to speed quickly. I wouldn't have had any except for...
Stridebox: Monthly subscription service that sends you fun running samples. Running has so few "accessories" but electrolyte tablets, goo, fun socks, handheld waterbottles. For $15/month they send you a box full of that stuff and you get to try them out. I love it because it means I have new things to try out all the time. And I don't have to go to a running store on the Friday before my long run days. 
Lululemon: I love my Lululemon gear. I can't really even get into it. But it just works. It fits. It doesn't stink. It wicks away moisture so quickly its ridiculous. It is super expensive. Like the most expensive clothing in my whole closet. No joke. But...I wear my running pants more than any dress ever so maybe it's worth it? I say yes. I only have two pair of pants, so I just alternate. But if you get a chance, I would buy some as soon as you can save your pennies. It'll change your life. 
Is that an endorsement or what? 

Now this is big time. I have $400 to go until I am half-way in my fundraising efforts. 
Who is going to be on my first-half team? 
I need 10 people to give $50 to put me over 1/2 way. 
Are you one of the 10? 

Let's get this done! 

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