Sunday, August 11, 2013

Week 4 Training Update

I've made it a month! I can't believe I am one month down. Which means that the NYC Marathon is less than three months away!!! 

I had another absolutely huge week in fundraising: $1,135 in one week! That is crazy! I'm only $1675 away from my fundraising goal. It is so close I can taste it! 

And all of my supporters came in handy this week because--shooey--this week was when the real training kicked in!

Monday: 7 miles
Tuesday: 8 miles
Wednesday: 4 miles

Matt was out of town so my usual before work running schedule was not going to work so I had to run later in the heat of the day. My body did not like that. 

But it prepared for me my 12 mile run on Saturday in Florida. We are on vacation and it is 90 degrees at 8am. I got up to run at my usual 7am time, but I almost had heat stroke during this run. No joke. It was so hot. I had water but it was not getting it done. Asheville is about 67 degrees at 7am this was a 30 degree difference and it made me ill.

But it was pretty! And I got it done. In not terrible time. This was a tough week. Upping the mileage. 

And I hit some more personal bests!
Little recovery and heat. But I ran 31 miles for the week which was a solid increase over last week and I feel great about that.

This upcoming week has some tough days since we are still in Florida and we are going to be traveling so we will so how it goes! 

Gear of the week:
Peanut butter

I'm working hard to recover, so I need all the help I can get right now! 

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