Wednesday, October 2, 2013

31 Days!

I'm 31 Days away from the NYC Marathon! I'm so pumped. ONE MONTH. LET'S GO.

For the next 31 days I thought I would each day, share some element of the marathon that is so incredible and makes it one of the best races IN THE WORLD.

How do you get to the race?

The NYC DOT has produced a video about how runners are getting to the start line. Since the start on Staten Island is so near and dear to my heart, this make sense to share how incredible it is that 48,000 runners all make their way to one little section of NYC. AND that section happens to be where I went to high school.

The Staten Island Ferry? I took that to my high school prom. It cost .50 one way to ride into Manhattan and you were dumped right into Wall Street. It was one of my favorite things to do in high school.

I won't be riding the Ferry to the start this year since I will actually BE on Staten Island already, but I bet I will sneak in a ride during race weekend.


  1. See, now I just want to book a flight and be in NYC when you do this thing! Staten Island Ferry is something I've never done on my NYC trips. Adding it to the list.

  2. Even though I was herded on and off that dang boat every day for about 2 years, it still has a special place in my heart. I never thought about how integral it is to the marathon. Thanks for posting & so proud of you that my heart could burst!

  3. I'm so proud of you that my heart might burst! Thanks for posting this--even though I've had a love/hate relationship with the ferry in the past, I never thought about how integral it was to the marathon. Very cool!
