Thursday, October 24, 2013

Clear As a Bell-9 Days

It's been fun to run for a charity and to realize just how many people are running for charities. In fact, one of my Young Life girls from back in the day is running for a charity in the race and we will get to see each other in NY! She will be traveling all the way from California on behalf of her team. I can't wait to see her.

The charity aspect of the marathon helps make all the training and dedication worth it because you realize that you are running for something much bigger than yourself.

Before, I wanted to run for me. Because this was MY goal. MY thing. What I wanted to do.

Now? It's because it's something that God wants to use in my life to show me how he cares for ALL walks of life. This is something much bigger than myself.

I love this video because it gives the vision of a runner in NYC and having a heart for the city. Which I definitely do. As I have run, I have found the solitude and quiet that I have needed on a daily basis. I sure could use the time having my "quiet time" being in the Bible but I am sure of this--I have never prayed more or been in deeper conversation with God about life and those I love than I have in the past four months. This time has been so rich for me. I have surely grown because He has run every single mile with me. Or I should say, I have run every mile with Him.

Craig Mayes NYC Marathon for the NYC Rescue Mission from Kensington on Vimeo.

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