Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I'd say I'm recovering pretty well.

I've gotten the sweetest little sercies in the mail from Inheritance of Hope supporters (Mike and Ike's, fun socks, a gift certificate to get a pedicure, an hour long massage!) and then today for work, we had to go mountain biking. Tough life right? 

Our newest client has recently built an incredible mountain biking trail right outside of downtown Brevard and they are in need of a signage system to let visitors know where they are in the trail plus what they are seeing and why it is important.

Today was the day to go ride the trail and see the project first hand.

We rode/hiked the first half of the trail. It is REALLY TOUGH. Like crazy hard. Uphill. We got so excited we actually riding our bikes that we missed our main turn (this is why they need signs) and we ended up riding/hiking our bikes an additional 2 miles.

After a disastrous downhill decent that resulted in a dead-end and a long mile long hike with bikes STRAIGHT BACK UPHILL, I declared this to be the worst thing I have ever done. Which is hard to declare since I almost died of dehydyration three days ago. But it really was.
That little dip in the middle? That's where we went straight down and then STRAIGHT BACK UP. UGH. 

We finally found our way and had the most exhilarating, amazingly beautiful and thrilling bike ride I've ever had. We descended over 1000 feet in elevation in a little over 2 miles so it got rowdy with hairpin turns, switchbacks, waterfalls, riding in the middle of fallen trees and did I mention that is absolutely beautiful here in WNC?

I am SO tired. But it was SO worth it.

Love this life!

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