Sunday, April 29, 2007
First Birthday Party
Saturday, April 28, 2007
A Topsy Turvy Type of Day
She has been a woman that I have admired and loved fiercefully my whole life. She was a licensed pilot at the age of 16. She was a revolutionary...women had only received the right to vote two years before she was born. And here she was flying! She was married to my grandfather (who was a pilot in WWII) and had children during the babyboom. She has a fiery personality and is always fun to talk to. She has been an avid reader my entire life, when she began to lose her eyesight to do macular degeneration, her inability to read was the biggest loss.
We would live with my grandparents in between moves and during summers when we would return to the states. Their property called "Chickasaw", has the allure of Narnia to me. They have a 1/4 mile long driveway through heavy woods, with Spanish moss hanging from the branches. When you hit the driveway at 300 Lovers Lane, you just feel peace wash over your soul. I always felt like it was "home" whenever we arrived.
Mimi would make me poundcake and cinnamon toast for breakfast. Each were made in her own special way, not in the toaster-but the oven!. I would wake up late and she would stop whatever it was that she was doing to make this special treat for me. And then she would sit and the table and talk to me. It was such a sweet time.
Their house was better than anywhere else that my parents could have taken us. They lived on the water and had a beach front on a lake. We would swim all day, water ski, tube, play, capture frogs and lizards and have more adventures than you could imagine. It truly does feel like a magical place for a child!
Well Mimi became ill earlier this week. She was admitted to the hospital on Thursday with dehydration, pneumonia and other complications. Last night, my mom noticed that her legs turned purple. My mom went to get a doctor and after they returned, the doctor was talking to Mimi and she seized up and stop breathing. The doctor put an oxygen mask on Mimi and she was able to resume breathing on her own. My mom noticed that her legs color had returned to pink and they assumed that a blood clot had traveled through her system. This is not a good thing. Blood clots go to one of three places; the brain, the heart or the lungs.
They called their priest and he administered last rites. My dad started calling me, my brother and my sister. They told us that she wasn't expected to make it through the night.
I was so sad. I cried for a long time and then I started looking for pictures, letters, anything that I had that could remind me of her. I found a stack of letters that she wrote to me in college. I started writing both of my grandmothers my junior year of college asking their advice on life issues. It was so sweet to reread and remember her before she lost her eyesight, hearing and some of her memory.
Then this morning I called my mom and she said that was slightly responding to my mom's voice, but it still didn't look good even though she made it through the night.
About an hour later, my mom called and said that she left the hospital to go home for a shower and to eat something. When she returned to the hospital, Mimi was sitting up and talking! She spent the rest of the day entertaining family members in the ICU. The doctors and staff are mystified over this turn of events (as are we!).
Mimi is still in poor health and has a long road to battle the pneumonia and other complications. But for today, I got to talk to my grandmother and tell her that I love her. I hope I get to say it again tomorrow.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
No Rest for the Weary
Monday, April 23, 2007
Fixing the Network
Friday, April 20, 2007
Windy Gap Today
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Celebrate Earth Day and clean out your house!
Yesterday on the blog they listed a link to find out where you can recycle your electronics safely and I found one here in Asheville. It is awesome! They clean up computers according to Department of Defense standards. Any computer that can be salvaged they give to a needy organization or school and anything else that can be resold, reused or recycled, they take care of it.
It is great because Matt's work was getting new computers last year and so he needed to get rid of the towers that they had. Unfortunately, he doesn't know a whole lot about computers and so he didn't know if there was sensitive material on the computers. For a long time, these desktop towers were in our garage; which wasn't too bad. But then he decided to clean out our garage but didn't feel comfortable giving them away and you can't really just throw computers into your garbage can because it will leach lead and mercury into the soil. So these two computers once it was determined that they could no longer stay in our garage and couldn't go to the landfill, Matt put them outside in our yard. Which is where they have stayed for the last seven or eight months. That's right months.
But today, we took those computers, an old laptop and an old fax machine and dropped them off at the computer recycling center and they are removed from our lives! Freedom! I love it! Thank you Blue Ridge Recycling!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
News Lady Falls Smashing Grapes
I love when everyday moments are captured on television and I would hate it if this were me. BTW: If I were stomping on grapes, this would def. be me!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Picture of the Cousins

Living here in Asheville, you get an opportunity to live amongst the crunchiest people in America. Many times, I love that characteristic of this city. When I am working out, I am not a fan. I mean, these people STINK. It is not like, wow-maybe you forgot the Deo this morning. no. They are fanatically against deoderant. And they might even tell you, "after a few days-the stink goes away." I am here to tell you; no it does not. And it doesn't go away after 30 minutes on the treadmill.
I tried to give the guy a benefit of the doubt. I looked at how much time he had been on the treadmill, I mean...maybe I was catching him at the end of the run. Nope. Eight minutes. He had been on the treadmill for EIGHT MINUTES and smelled like a landfill. I thought to myself, well at least I will have eight minutes at the end of my run without this smell. No again. After he finished, he got off and adjusted his time on the signup wall and started to run for ANOTHER 30 MINUTES. Arghhh!
After I finished my run, I went over to get my ab routine underway. I was doing abs and smelled the bad b.o. smell again. I even felt bad, like "maybe I stink and here I was judging that guy and being annoyed by the fact that he is out in public-SWEATING and stinking. " But no, it was another crunchy stinky gym rat. Seriously? Two in one day?
At least the Y requires you to 1) wear clothes and 2) it can't be denim. Otherwise, I don't think that I could go back.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
We're back!
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Beach is Lovely
Thursday, April 5, 2007
The number you are trying to reach...
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
My Humps
There is little that is brilliant on YouTube. It tends to suck you in and you can't stop watching. But this-this video is BRILLIANT! I couldn't stop watching Alanis Morrisette's take on My Humps. Just watch it, you'll see.
My Daughter Ashley
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Sunday Night:
1. The Amazing Race: It is two hours tonight! I better see Mirna and Schmirna hit the road tonight.
2. Planet Earth on the Discovery Channel. Is anyone else out there watching this? It is one of my new favorite shows. So many of the amazing scenes have never been captured on film before. The Snow Leopard killing a mountain goat and dragging it back up the mountain was amazing. Also, is it just me or are panda bears look like they are cartoons and not real?
Monday Night:
3. The Hills. I am a sucker for MTV reality television.
Also, the national championship for Basketball. I am not so much excited, but I know that I will be forced to watch it. Which is okay, because I have an extensive television viewing list. So this is my penence.
Tuesday Night:
4. American Idol. It is unbelieveable that freakin' Sanjaya is still on this show. I found my renewed love in Gwen Stefani last week and can't wait for Tuesday.
Wednesday Night:
5. Friday Night Lights. Yes this is fiction, but since I love me some high school students...I love this show.
6. Top Design. Todd Oldham sucks as the host...but I love seeing new design ideas.
7. American Idol results show. Why watch Tuesday if you won't watch Wednesday?
Where to begin? New Grey's, new the Office, new 30 Rock...My TiVo is going to get burned out from all of the joy.
I will be at the beach starting on Thursday, so I doubt that I will be watching much tv beyond Thursday night. But what joy is going to come this week from all of the new shows! I love it!!!