Friday, February 23, 2007

Back from Columbia

Hi Everyone! We are back from Columbia and so I thought that I would post some pictures from our time there. Yesterday, we decided that it would be a great idea while we had all five cousins together that we would go and get all of their pictures taken. what a nightmare. Well, it probably would have gone GREAT if it weren't for my kids.

Asher decided that he did not want his picture taken under any circumstance. Thank you very much. And he decided to throw a serious tantrum and capped it off by punching Lucy in the face, which set Lucy off (I don't blame her!). We took one picture that was halfway decent, but the lady at the Wal-Mart picture studio erased it while we were dealing with Asher. How great.

So, we managed to get one picture during a tantrum break and not one kid is actually looking at the camera, but none of them are crying either. As soon as I get one, you will see and LAUGH!

After that, we took all of the kids to the zoo in Columbia. And I know that this might seem hard to believe, but they have an amazing zoo there and it was 75 degrees outside. It was awesome! The kids had a great time and not one of them acted out the whole time. Asher learned how to say, "monkey" and it is so cute to hear him!

And then last night all of the kids spent the night at Gammy and Doc's house and we sent all of the kids to bed with Doc playing on the banjo, kids dancing and singing and getting all kinds of wound up! But they all went to bed eventually and it was really fun!

I am glad to be back in Asheville and Matt and I are going on a date tonight to celebrate making it through the week!

BTW: Make sure to scroll down to see the jumping off of "White Fancy" pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Great fun! I can't wait to see that picture from Wal-Mart. Y'all are BRAVE!!!
