Tuesday, February 20, 2007

You Knit Me Together in My Mother's Womb...

Great news from Buffy today! I will just let her tell you,

"The twins are both looking great and growing. The gap between the girls has gotten smaller. Last time there was a 30% discordance in their growth and this time it's a 20.7% discordance! We are thrilled that the little one is growing, and that the bigger one is growing too! The doctor said we need to keep watching things and come back again in three weeks. We are praying that they will continue to grow and that the difference between them will not increase."
We are so thrilled that the little twin is growing, I know one day we will all look back and laugh as the little one beats the crap out of the bigger one!
Speaking of that, we (me and the kids) are at Matt's parent's house for a few days as Matt is in Arizona and we are having a "grand ole time" as my niece Maggie puts it!

Maggie came up to visit with us while we are here and she is hilarious. I am sure you saw her YouTube video below, but she just turned four and has more personality that anyone in the house!

Today, the other cousins, Watts and Nate came over and Asher had quite a time playing with all of the older kids. He learned a new word today, "bup" which means (of course) "jump." The kids throw the pillows off of the all-white couch that we call "white fancy" and they jump on the springs like it is a really long trampoline. At one time or another at least two of the "monkeys" have fallen off and bumped their heads (just like the song). A little kiss and a rub on the forehead and they are back at it. I am sure that years ago when Linda bought this couch, she had no idea that her nice all white couch would become the playground for her four grandchildren, but so be it!


  1. Les - for some reason this is the first time I've looked at your blog. First of all, thanks so much for your prayers on here for the twins! Secondly, you are HI-larious! I love reading this stuff! Keep it coming. You're a great sis!


  2. I'm so glad to see that there's good news for Buffy & Ian's twins. They are in our daily prayers for continued health!

    I'm getting jealous though...no mention of me whatsoever on your blog. WHAAAAT? It's time for some sisterly love!!!

  3. Hey Leslie,
    I love reading this! Keep it coming. Glad to hear y'all are doing well. Lucy is so cute, I hadn't seen any pictures yet!
    I tried to leave a comment the other day but the wireless here is pretty iffy... sometimes I feel like I'm using dial-up!
    Praise the Lord that your sister-in-law's twins are doing better... I have a thing for twins. They're so much work but twice the joy and twice the fun. How exciting!
    Anyway, good to hear about life at home!

  4. We are praying for Buffy, Ian and the twins...thanks for keeping us posted.

  5. Hey Everyone! Thanks for the commenting love!!!

    Margarita, so great to hear from you! Are you going to stay in France/Europe longer than your contract or will you be coming back stateside???

    Shellie, not to worry! Blogging love will be coming your way as soon as I get back home.

    Buff-dog-two words for you: love ums
