Sunday, February 11, 2007

Beautiful Sunday

It has been a beautiful Sunday here in Asheville. Little Miss and I went outside so that I could capture her at the three-month mark. When Asher was this age, I did the same thing and I treasure the pictures that I was able to capture. I don't know if it is the age, the surroundings or what; but I love seeing their little faces with so much potential and so much life ahead of them. It is hard to believe that Lucy is already three months old and she is just about to change so much. Sometime in the next two months she will begin to sit up, laugh and play with toys. The days of being a lump are leaving us behind!!!


  1. oh my gosh.

    those pictures make me want to get up off the couch, put a bra on, find my keys, drive up 19-23 & come squeeze her.

    you look cute too.

  2. I think I really like that Robin said "put a bra on." Yeah, I guess I did since I'm still laughing. Lucy's so cute Leslie! I love your blog. Definitely another good distraction from work.

  3. OH, that little smiling face and those dimples! Almost enough to make me want another baby...almost, but not enough. I miss you & can't wait to re-schedule my trip down there to see all of you.
    Love ya!

  4. She is so precious!! When I saw her across the room at church yesterday, I was thinking how precious she is. And you just confirmed it.
