Saturday, February 10, 2007

Matt says he's sorry

Last night Matt and I were talking about running. He and I have been working out at the Y lately and we were talking about how hard it is to stick with it! We then shifted to talking about how I ran the Nashville Marathon just before we were married. Matt has consistently made fun of a picture that we have from the marathon where I look like I am going to die. I wasn't going to die, I was just so emotional after coming across the finish line. Running 26.2 miles was one of the most amazing experiences of my life and I was overwhelmed by it all by the end of the race and the pictures captured that incredibly well. Matt has made so much fun of it, that I actually took the pictures down from the fridge and got rid of them. Last night, for the first time since we have been married, he admitted that it was an amazing feat and if it had been him; he would have been crying his face off! Because of that conversation, it started me thinking that I might apply for the lottery in the NYC Marathon in November 2007. The start of the race was right next to my house when I was in high school and I always thought it would be an amazing race to take part in. I think that I will apply and see if I actually can get one of the coveted spots in this race. It would be really hard to train for it with two kids and all, but I would like to try. Anyone want to apply and train with me???


  1. Leslie! you got RID of those pictures?!? I'm so mad at you.

    Matt should be sorry- that little punk. I'm gon' beat em.

    I would NOT like to apply & train for the NYC marathon because i am lazy & do not like to challenge myself. However, I WILL cheer you on!

    you go girl. yep- i said it.

  2. I am going to be on the sidelines with Robin. Feel free to crash here, train on the hills of Bville, and I'll feed you pasta until you're ready for the race. BUT just don't ask me to run with you because I am also lazy and can't fathom what it would mean to run 26.2 miles. I'll CHEER like crazy, though!!!
