Friday, February 9, 2007

One of Lucy

Just to be equitable, I have to post a picture of Lucy. She has been crying non-stop today. As long as she has been awake, she has cried. She has been a delight to be around-sike. The only saving grace was that she slept from 10:30pm last night until nearly 10:30am this morning. How a three month old made it 12-hours, I have no idea. But I will take it. Normally she is so cute and smiley, I can't get enough of her. Today, I can't get rid of her. But that is for now. In an hour she will probably wake up all cute and cuddley and everything that I am feeling right now will be washed away. That is how children survive, by smiling and cooing and showing you their adorable dimples and all of the crimes from earlier in the day are gone. It is magic.


  1. I loooove this idea b/c now I can get a regular dose of know, outside of our daily phone chats.
    I totally know what you mean about pics of the kids with their hands in their mouth. There are about 2 of Peter in his WHOLE life w/ no hand in mouth.
    That picture of Lucy grinning is so sweet. Wish I could be there RIGHT NOW to sip some wine, love on your babies and hang with you guys in person.
    LOVE YA!

  2. so i finally made it to your blog. pretty sweet. this is amy noll by the way. lucy is so dang cute! i can understand the whole crying thing. not fun i'm sure. well just wanted you to know i finally found you. spring break for us is comin' up. we are actually headed out your way but not really. we're going to duck, nc? not sure where it is. outer banks somewhere. it's going to be sooo fun. i need a break. well, hope y'all are doing well. i plan on checking your blog out more often. Love y'all
