Sunday, February 18, 2007


For the last year and a half, we have had a hard time going to church. We LOVE our church. We love the people that go to our church, our pastor, the music-almost everything! EXCEPT, there is no nursery. All of the kids of the church just are in church throughout the service. Which can be great. Except when you have a kid as busy as Asher is. I mean, he can not sit still for two minutes. We have been working on it and two minutes is the limit.
We have had some discussions with our pastor and with several friends and we have come up with a solution. We have come up with child watch co-op. Our dear friends the Knauers (this is Natalie's picture), took the rotation this morning. They watched their little boy, Bennett along with Asher and Lucy. Next week, we are going to do it. After that, we are going to ask a few other friends to volunteer for the duty. That way, we could sit in church without our kids, our kids can all play with each other and we don't have to worry! Also, it doesn't seem that hard to take care of a bunch of kids once a month.
This morning was the first time since Asher was born that we really got to hear about the Shorter Catechism and the sermon. We actually got to stand during the hymns! It was great! I am so thankful that we have friends that we can trust our kids with and friends that our kids love being around. It is such a blessing and I am truly thankful! Anyone out there want to volunteer for the first weekend in March or anytime thereafter???

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