Sunday, February 18, 2007


I wanted to ask those of you that read this blog to pray for Buffy and Ian, Matt's sister and her husband. Buffy is 24 weeks pregnant with twin girls. The girls have been growing at disproportionate rates and on Tuesday they will have another ultrasound to see how things have been going during the last month. The doctors are not sure why they are growing at different rates but suspect a placenta problem. Please pray that the problem has corrected itself and that the girls would continue to grow inside of Buffy.

I really love Buffy and Ian and their daughter Maggie. I am so excited that they are having girls that will be so close in age to Lucy! It is one more aspect that I love about our families! On both sides we have cousins that are so close in age to one another and so they will always have little playmates when we get together. So please pray for a healthy outcome from this pregnancy and this hurdle to get over will be examined on Tuesday. I love you guys!

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