Monday, February 12, 2007

Six Days From Now...

Kicks off the start of the Amazing Race All Stars! This is by far my favorite show on TV. I have watched every season except for the first one and so the All-Stars make me so very happy! I am in a pool with the Young Life staff at Windy Gap and so here are my picks for this season:
1. Dustin and Kandice 2. Rob and Amber and 3. Jill and John Vito.

A little note on Jill and John Vito, she and I played soccer together back in the day on Staten Island. Sadly, she lost her brother on 9/11 as he was an executive for Cantor Fitzgerald. She first applied to do the show with her brother and after he died, she reapplied with her then boyfriend and brother's best friend John Vito. Since they first did the show, they have broken up but have emerged as friends. I am especially excited about the TAR All-Stars because there are five different people on the show from Staten Island. I find this exceedingly hilarious. What other show would have this many people from the same town? I am guessing that Staten Island is SO full of nut jobs that it is a casting agents dream! I have so many funny memories from living there for four years in high school. I have loved over the years watching shows like the TAR and MTV's Sweet Sixteen and the True Life, I a Staten Island Girl and how accurately they have captured the mindset and the flamboyant personalities that you run into on the island. You just can't get that anywhere else in the world!


  1. wish i could share in your excitement.

    member that dude that was on summer staff with us in 97 that was on the first season? isn't his name Blake? He was a horse wrangler.

    So glad you made it off the island!

  2. Leslie!! Thanks so much for letting me know you're bloggin! I am so glad to see pictures of Lucy and I can't believe how old Asher is getting. He looks like such a big boy. Hope we get to see y'all the next time you're in town!
