Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Just take a look at our little tax deductions!
I did our taxes last night and let me just say, it is not financially great to have kids during the rest of the year. But it is great fun to add a new child to your tax return and see the dollars just grow! People thought that we were crazy last year when we told them that we were pregnant again when Asher was just eight months old (so did we!) but since Lucy was born in November, we get to count her as having been alive the whole year!
You all should be proud of me for wading in the deep end and taking care of our taxes, but since the government just got a nice sized loan from us, interest free for the whole year; I decided to go ahead and make them pay us back pronto. I am very excited for the day that our return will just magically appear in our bank account. According to Turbo Tax, this ought to happen before the end of the month. Then all of the money will be used to pay off debts and we will be able to end the year DEBT FREE! How great is that? Maybe we will be able to start saving for once...nah, let's go buy something! Just kidding mom.

1 comment:

  1. um, your title needs to read: "Hell yes!" or "Hallelujah to the IRS!"

    that's great news.

    & presh-head Lucy is wearing that outfit i gave her.

    slappy- quit lickin the carpet.

    love you.
