Thursday, March 8, 2007

Haircuts in Weaverville are FANTASTIC!

I took Asher to get his haircut today. We went to the Fantastic Sams in Weaverville. Guess what? It turns out that Fantastic Sams in Weaverville is also known as the best place in town to get your mullet trimmed (well not the mullet part, the business part needs trimming). This is the second time that I have taken Asher here to get his haircut and during our first trip, every single chair was occupied by a mullet head. Men, women and children were all getting their mullets trimmed. It was amazing.

So I made myself very clear that the back had to be cut short and they did a good job, so we returned today. This time with my camera. Proof that the above paragraph is not an exaggeration. Sorry about the picture quality, I was trying to be discrete about snapping a picture and it was nearly impossible. (I had to take a million stupid pictures of Lucy and Asher that all turned out terribly.) Also, I don't know if you can see it or not, but this guy had an amazing cowboy mustache that you can barely see.

I didn't manage to get any pictures of Asher getting his haircut because he threw a WORLD CLASS fit while in the chair. I gave him a lollipop to start the haircut off and then he went beserk. Crying so hard that snot was everywhere. Yucky nasty snot. I had to run to the bathroom and get tissue and he kicked the tantrum into fifth gear. Somehow our stylist managed to get Asher's hair cut pretty decently. I think he might have been having a fit because she called him "Austin" at least 75 times in our 11 minute haircut. But maybe not.


  1. I am laughing so hard! I wouldn't have believed the mullet people if I hadn't seen this picture.
    Asher's haircut and that jumping video are FANTASTIC! I have been through some very horrific meltdowns around getting a haircut. Peter has fine tuned the art of eating a lollipop covered in hair and snot.

  2. I just spit out my dunkin stick cause i was laughing at you and your mullet experience.

  3. what da heckadoodle is a mullet?
