Thursday, March 8, 2007

"Run the Puppy"

I was talking to my friend Jean last night about Asher and all of his excess energy and how our daily goal is to wear him out by a variety of means. She laughed out loud and said like "run the puppy!" When you have a puppy, you have to take them on extensively long walks, play for hours just so that they will sleep and maybe leave you alone for a little while. Now, I don't want Asher to leave me alone (well, maybe a little) but really we just need to take the edge off of his energy level. So today, we will go "run the puppy" as best we can!


  1. I feel you on this one. I just sent Peter outside but he came in 5 mins later b/c he was freezing and his glove had come off. Ugh. Spring, please get here soon! When it does, I plan to introduce him to the idea of running laps around the house.

  2. that's right, run that puppy!!

    he's so cute.
