Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Nate Update

we heard from Jeannie (Matt's sister) yesterday about our nephew Nate and his back problems. (If you need to get up-to-date about what I am talking about, check out the Nate tags) Here is what she said:

"We had a follow-up appointment with the orthopedist today. It was very positive. Dr. Locke said that the MRI showed that Nate's back was not significantly curved anymore! That is great news! In addition, Nate has almost stopped complaining of back-pain altogether. God has really answered our prayers.
We believe that the physical therapy has been helping. He is definitely growing stronger. We are seeing a rheumatologist at MUSC on April 11th for further testing to learn if Nate has some arthritis or other inflammatory condition. I'll let you know when we know more."

That is great news and I know that everyone is thrilled. Thanks for praying!!!

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