Monday, March 26, 2007

Oprah, We're Through

Dear Oprah,

I have been a faithful watcher of your show for nearly 15 years. But today, you have lost me. I can excuse many things that you have promoted and self-promoted over the years. But now, I have come to the conclusion that you can not live without the camera following you while you do nothing. I gave you a pass the time that you had cameras follow you to pick out your new puppy. But this past week, you burned me out.

I am sick, SICK to death of you and Gayle and your stupid trips. Cut it out. We don't care! All we want you to do is show your favorite things 365 Days of the Year and on days when you run out of products, just bring on some celebrities! I like you as a girlfriend! Who I can watch and laugh with and say, "no she didn't!"

But now you have become too self-important. Stop with the schools in South Africa. Stop with the sex offender shows. We have shows about these things it is called, America's Most Wanted and it is on Saturday nights on Fox. My DAD watches that faithfully. I do not. You don't have to stop being passionate about these things. Go for it. Syphon all of your money into these programs. But STOP making television shows about it. You are not a member of the United Nations. You are Oprah.

Your job, in case you forgot was to show me what sheets I ought to buy this spring. What I should think about getting my mom on mother's day. To tell me about Julia Roberts next movie. Not where I should eat in case I get lost in freakin' Chattanooga and Gayle is in passenger seat.

Today, you are losing your coveted spot on my TiVo. I have to daily justify your existence on the line-up to my husband, who calls you the Anti-Christ because just by simply making a suggestion, you determine what our Gross Domestic Product is. And you are not losing it because I tend to agree with his assertation. It is because I am tired of you. You and your silly trips, your friends, your "surprises" for everyday Americans that really come back to just how great you are. I can't do it.

I will only watch you when you decide to go back to interviewing people and being the friend that I remember you to be. Until then, farewell.


  1. What about when she promoted, "The Secret"? She had me enraged for days! I quit her after that.

  2. Me, too! I watched the first ten minutes of the show about "The Secret" because I wanted to know what it was all about. I was so mad. She continued to go on about it in other shows. I had to give her up then as well. I've had the same thoughts, too, Leslie that everything she does comes back around to how great she is.

  3. i agree...i think u should send your comments directly to oprah...what got me about the "oprah and gayle" show was how she kept saying she had never done so many of the things that are so very very ordinary like when she dropped in on the yard sale, and she announced to her public that it was her first one ever!! she should know that by saying that she is telling her viewers how very out-of-touch she is with ordinary Americans...i mean, i think she does wonderful caring things with her money, but i do think after watching about 15 min. of her show last week that she is totally clueless where most average people are concerned.

  4. Fo' shizzle...Oprah's gone off the deep end and I, too, am through. Because I'm always busy when she's on anyway, I no longer need to get sucked into her self-indulgent shows.

  5. The last good thing she did was The Color Purple, and the book was waaaaay better than the movie!

  6. oh, you know...i have been a loyal viewer for many many years & it pains me to kick her dumb butt to the curb. But i must.

    The Secret is a crock & she doesn't even know how to pump her own friggin gas.

    yes, she does noble things but more often than not i find myself rolling my eyes.

    There's always Ellen!
