Monday, March 26, 2007

Wonder What She's Thinking

I know that my children's brains are not made of mush.

But sometimes, I think that they are.

Then, something like this picture comes along and I have to wonder, "what is she thinking about?"

Because that is one outstanding face. It makes me think that she is (perhaps) up to something. And that something could be the mush for brains throught (mmm poop) or the intelligent thought, "I bet if I just tip a little more, I could be free of this stupid purple chair. Then I can do all of the fun things that Asher gets to do." Or she could be planning for all of the ways that she is going to defy me as she gets older (Wouldn't that be stank?)

I never ever really want to know what my kids are thinking, because well...I don't want my parents to know what I am thinking. That awful movie,"Look Who's Talking" is really dumb, because well, I don't need to explain why. You can just accept that it is a terrible movie and that the whole premise sucks because you don't want to know what babies are thinking.

It is more fun to insert my own thoughts into their little mush-filled heads. So here is your chance, what is Lucy thinking about? If you have been lurking on this blog, now is the time to leave a comment! I challenge you!


  1. about 6 of your photos did not come thru recently...the ones from the past few i can not see the photo of lucy to wonder what she is thinking...just thought i'd let u know in case something is wrong with the picture anyone else having trouble with getting photos????

  2. the last picture i got was buzz cut

  3. "MMMmmm...I love sunshine and spending time outside. Life is good."

  4. she's thinking that she needs a boob.
