Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Project 365 Kids

I just joined a new Flikr group called Poject 365 Kids. The idea is to take at least one picture every single day of the same subject but in different locations. So my muse is Lucy. Asher has decided that he hates getting his picture taken and I don't feel like pulling teeth every day. So Lucy it is!

I am sure that the most difficult part of this is going to be simply the pure discipline of setting up shots and actually taking the picture-every single day for a whole year. But I love the idea of capturing Lucy as she changes in real time. She will be so different in one year and I hope to come up with a really nice series of how much changes during the first year of life. Another challenge is to capture her in all of her moods and not just smiling. I am really excited because I think that this is going to help me become a much better photographer. I enjoy taking pictures, but I think that this is going to take me to a whole other level!
Here are my first two entries:

Day 1

Day 2

Where else in Asheville should I try to take her picture? Margarita--any ideas???


  1. What a cute idea! I wouldn't have the discipline for something like that, but I love the thought of seeing a year's worth of pics day-by-day.

  2. Fun times! My favorite places to take kids' pictures in Asheville are Windy Gap, Jones Park, and Craggy Gardens. That is, if you feel like going all the way up there and then carrying her :) But WG and Jones Park are good lighting generally and fun places for the kiddos. And Karl does such an amazing job of making WG pretty!
    Have I mentioned how stinking cute the picture is of her lying in the grass?

  3. I feel like I am already over my head with this project. I hope that I get to take some pics of Lucy today. arghh. I hope I didn't set myself up for failure.

    BTW: Thanks for the suggestions Margarita. I will give them a try this summer. I took some pics at WG for you on Tuesday. I wanted you to be able see the new staff housing. It looks awesome. Can you email me your email address and I will send them to you?
