Thursday, March 15, 2007

Target Funny

I hope you are familiar with the skit from Saturday Night Live where the woman who is checking people out at Target, always leaves her post to go and find the item that the customer is buying because she loves it so much. I say this because:

1) I think the skit idea is funny because I would be that person if I worked at Target

2) The skit isn't actually funny but when it happens to you, it's funny!

Yesterday, I took Lucy with me to Target to buy her some little "Sassy" toys and while I was there I picked up a Dustbuster. That's right, a dustbuster. No, it isn't 1983. My friend Taryn mentioned that she got one for her birthday (umm, no. Don't buy this for ANYONE'S birthday) and that she really loved it with two little kids. I had been thinking about it and I decided that I wanted one to clean out the highchair every night and all of the other little nook and crannies around the house. Also, Asher is scared to death everytime we fire up the vacuum and craps his pants. I am hoping the dustbuster might be a way to gradually get him used to the idea.

Anyway, I was checking out and the woman checking me out was living out the skit! "Oh, I need one of these. These are so cute, where are these? I really need to get a dustbuster for my house." It was unbelieveable. I loved it.

(Did I mention that I LOVE, LOVE my new dustbuster? Don't even mention the word "Shark" to me. This is exactly what I need in my house!!!)


  1. So, you think you're cool? Making a sly attack on my beloved Shark. For shame. That thing IS the best purchase I've made since having kids!!! However, I do have some dustbuster envy b/c my shark only cleans the floor. I have been putting off buying a dustbuster but think it would come in handy as well! Love ya.

  2. um, where have you been?!

    I friggin LOVE my dustbuster. You don't have to drag the vacuum out when you gots a mess.

    Now, I ain't a mommy YET but i do have a husband that has a tendency to leave crumbs wherever he goes. He's like dang Hansel & Gretal. But he doesn't crap his pants when i vacuum.

  3. I am telling you, you will love the dustbuster over the Shark in no time. I got a Wet/Dry dustbuster and I just cleaned up every corner of my house!

    And Asher didn't totally hate it. He didn't like it, but he didn't go ape like when he sees the vacuum get pulled out!

  4. what is a shark?????????
