Friday, May 18, 2007

Double Your Pleasure

Our twins have arrived!

Matt's sister, Buffy, delivered two beautiful baby girls early this afternoon. Here is what they had to say,

"Zoe weighed in at a whopping 6lbs - 3ozs. She is resting comfortably in the room with Buffy and I.
Her sister, Tori, is a wee little peanut at 3lbs - 15ozs. She looks perfectly formed, just small for her age. She is hanging out in the NICU for the time being and doing very well."

Hooray for a safe delivery for mom and babies! As soon as I can get my hands on some pictures, I will put them up here!

Here are their full names:
Zoe DuPre Smith
Victoria Jean Smith (Tori)

Congrats to the Smith Family-especially Maggie the big sister!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Babies are such a blessing. To have twins... double the blessing!
