Saturday, May 19, 2007

Play Date

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the twins to share just yet. So I thought that I would post some pictures from the play date that we had this morning.

Last year; Natalie Knauer, Ellen Troyer and I, all found out that we were pregnant at the same time. We all talked about how fun it would be to have play dates together. I thought that it was a good idea, but we probably would never make it happen. Well, we have stepped up the ante.

Instead of just a play date, we have a "play share". Two moms have ALL SIX kids, tag teaming the little kids and the big kids and one mom gets the morning off. We typically get all of the kids together by 9:30am and the "off" mom picks her kids up by 1pm. So two of us get to hang out and play, while all of the kids play. It is definitely chaotic and LOUD with a nearly five year old, a nearly three year old, nearly two year old and three six-eight months olds. But with two moms, it is definitely doable and the off mom comes back having gone shopping, cleaning their house or with a fresh pedicure!

So here are some pictures as we had the play share group at our house this morning while Ellen went birthday shopping for Hadley (who is turning five next week).


  1. Hey Les! Just online checking out your blog before I go to sleep for 45 minutes! Thanks for the shouties on the twins. We are all doing well and will try to get you some pics tomorrow or Monday.

    Love you!


  2. i SO wish i could join in on the fun with "my" kiddos! Just for the company alone!

    they are the cutest!
