Friday, July 20, 2007

Complete Turnaround

We have a complete turnaround and things are starting to really click this week. We got through the opera, carnival and square dance without any major fact many of the property staff said that it was the best opera that they have seen in years! It was really fun! During the Opera, the bad guys tie up Matt and Josh to let Matt pull a switcheroo and appear as one of his other characters. When Matt got tied up, Asher started yelling, "Daddy! DADDY!" He was definitely ready to put the smack down on the bad guys. It was very funny!
Yesterday, Matt had the day off because all of camp went on the hike and so we got to play and go into town for lunch. It was nice except that Matt started to feel sick. There is a stomach virus going around camp. I think that it passed over him, but he was in really bad shape for a few hours. The virus was completely contained in the other staff house, but this morning; one of the kids in our house started throwing up. Please pray that Asher and Lucy don't get it. Asher played with this particular boy for HOURS yesterday. yikes.

But here are some new pictures from Tableau and Matt and Josh as the "Swiss Mista" and "Ricola"


  1. Once again, great pics! Is that Lucy all dressed up like a cowgirl with freckles? MMMM MMMM MMMM--she sho' is cute!
    Love the family pics and really do hope you & the kids get to avoid the stomach flu this time around.
    Hugs & kisses!

  2. um, you let your baby hold a gun.
