Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mama's baby is sick

Well Lucy has been running a 102 degree fever since last night. I don't know if she has caught the stomach bug that running through camp right now or if she has something else going on. We hope that she will come out of it today. PRAY! We are finishing up week 1 and 400 new high school students arrive at camp tomorrow. I really hope that Asher doesn't get sick too. He is acting fine and so we are hopeful that he might have dodged a bullet. We are so excited because tomorrow groups from Columbia, SC, Greenville, SC and Western North Carolina all arrive tomorrow. FRIENDS!!! It will be a nice change to see familiar faces all the way out here!

The pictures below are from Banquet night last night. If I could just tell you how many high school girls wanted to take pictures with Asher because he has made them laugh all week long with his dancing in club...It was hilarious. Almost as hilarious as the fact that he flatly refused to take a single picture with any of them.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Lucy! Let us know how she's doing--and we'll definitely pray that it runs its course quickly!
    The beach is gorgeous and I can already tell we're gonna have a great 2 weeks!
