Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Ow, my BACK!

Sorry for the lack of posts in the past few days. Lucy's fever finally went away this morning; just as I was recovering from throwing up all night last night. I threw up so hard, I strained all of the muscles in my back. I am feeling better today, but dealing with a migraine due to the muscle strain and dehydration. So if you hav emailed, called or sent a package to us and have not heard from me...it is because these last few days have been a lot to handle. Sorry!


  1. Oh, My little Darlin'
    I am so sorry you have felt bad. No doc would give youphenergan suppositories? Just a thought.
    Glad LuLu is better. We love y'all.

  2. Did you just say "supository" on my blog? And yes, they would have if I had called them. I just kept thinking that this had to be near the end! Today is much better, so I think I can go without it!

  3. hahaha! thank you Ri for being a mom & suggesting a suppository. cause it just made me laugh really hard.

    les- that sucks! hope it leaves your system SOON!

  4. I was just about to write something but I just saw the word "suppository" and it really threw me.

    In fact, I saw it thrice.

    Leslie, dear, please get better soon.

  5. Oh my goodness! These comments are just as interesting/hilarious as your regular Blogs. Seriously, Mom! I feel like I just watched a Maalox commercial.
    Sorry to hear you've had a run of bad health in CO. Here's hoping that everyone is back to feeling good soon!
