Friday, July 27, 2007

Fun days

These last few days at camp have been fun as Asher is as equal if not a more well-known celebrity than Matt is. I am pretty sure that every girl in camp would take a picture with him if they could. Every guy in camp can not believe his athletic prowess as he dribbles a basketball, soccer ball and throws a frisbee 20 yards now. You would think that all we do it play sports with the kid...oh wait-that is true. I mean, he has to pay his own way through college since we clearly can not afford it!


  1. oh my cuteness.

    and YOU look beautiful.

    Asher is such a studmuffin.

  2. Les - you look so BEAUTIFUL!

    OK, I just read Robin's comment. There must be a general consensus that you are so pretty!

    I miss y'all!


  3. Hey Les, I just got your blog address from The Bazemores and I have enjoyed looking at your beautiful family! Ya'll look happy and I am so glad! Tell Matt we said Hello! Love, Sara Jenkins
