Thursday, July 26, 2007

I forgot to mention

So, I am on a posting tear today. Can you tell that it is Day 5 and program has slowed down??? Anyway, I saved a kid from drowning at the pool today. A mom (I have no idea who she is) showed up with her crap-load of kids under age 5 without floaties, life vests, nothing. She got in the pool with ONE of the kids and told the rest to "Stay on the stairs". Now, I was on the side of the pool, because Asher actually does only stay on the stairs; going up and down them in mind-numbing repetition. I was getting stressed out because now Asher was not the only kid on the stairs, there were now five kids on the stairs and NONE of them knew how to swim. And only Asher looked like he was comfortable in the water. So I am watching these kids, while their mom has her back turned to them and is playing with her one freakin' kid and lo and behold, her son just falls off of the stairs into the water and is under the water, struggling-BAD. I had to jump in and pull him out of the water and get him onto the pool deck. He was freaked out, crying, water, snot and tears were everywhere. I was ticked cause 1) I didn't plan on getting into the pool today. 2) the mom didn't even thank me 3) one hour later, another mom had to rescue another one of this ladies kids from drowning.

Every heard of arm floaties???


  1. leslie!! thank goodness u were there to rescue that kid! did u give the mom a lecture or anything afterwards??? u know me, i could not have kept my mouth shut and probably would have strangled that mom right then and there! that makes me so sad for those children...glad u all are having a good camp...the photos are absolutely beautiful...give asher and lucy big hugs and kisses from us...and tell asher for me "wwwhhhheeeee doggies!!! edward says it all the time now and always refers to asher when he says it and he wonders if asher is still saying it??? we love u, mary

  2. I am so glad y'all are all finally feeling better! How cool is it gonna be to have you and Buffy bloggin'?! Give everybody a kiss for me. Love,

  3. You were right--I have enjoyed getting to read all of your blogs from yesterday.
    What's up with that crazy, completely checked-out mom not being better prepared to safely let her kids play near the water??? Unacceptable in my book and a lucky thing you were there to save her kid.
    Hope today is less eventful!
    Love ya!
