Thursday, August 30, 2007

We've decided to be responsible

We have decided that the aforementioned house is not to be ours. While we dream away...someone else is going to buy the house. It just won't be us. We realized that by stretching too much on a mortgage, we won't be able to do ANYTHING much less afford to fix the house should anything break. Plus, our house still needs some work done to it, we need to get the lot next door surveyed. All in all, we are probably a few months away from being ready to sell our house and we can't just put it on the market next weekend. If we did, we probably would take a bath and then not be able to afford the new house at all.

It is a little sad, but I have to say; I am proud of us for coming to a good conclusion that both of us feel good about WITHOUT A FIGHT! Maybe we are become one flesh...

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