Monday, September 3, 2007

Help a Friend

A former YL colleague of mine has moved out to California and is trying to make it into showbiz. He is a finalist for the Smart Show, a reality show sponsored by Holiday Inn and he can get the gig just by being the person with the most online votes. If you will indulge me, please help out this friend by a: registering and voting and b: tell everyone you know to vote-DAILY until Sept. 15. Once you are registered, it isn't that hard to just keep voting once a day. He is in second place right now and since this is just an internet popularity can help someone get a job-IN HOLLYWOOD. That's pretty cool. OKay so here are the deets:

Steps to help Bradley win:

1) When you go to the site (if you haven't already registered) you will need to register--this takes about a minute and you have to register to vote. Please do so...use your dummy e-mail address if you are freaked out or whatever.

2) Rate my video on a scale of 1-5 in three categories: Originality, Sense of Humor, Smartness. Each vote counts as one point (i.e. if you vote a 5 on all three then I will have 15 points from you on that day.)

3) THEN leave a comment while you are there and hit submit at the bottom of the page (even if only voting, hit submit)

4) I need you to forward the link and whatever instructions you want to your friends and family. That will really be what kicks it up a notch.

5) THEN each day at some point hop back on the site and vote again. You can vote once each day. So this could be some big-time voting.

Get creative with this, if you have friends who blog, ask them to put up the link. If you have a myspace or facebook, but the link in the "i'm feeling" section or whatever. This ball is 100% in y'alls court.

Associate something with me so you will remember to vote everyday. How about this....Hasemeyer....Oscar Meyer...lunch time. So every time you go to lunch you for Bradley!!

Put it in your palm as a repeating event. Share it with your google contacts in your google calender. Whatever.

I thank you in advance for helping me out.

Again this could be a great thing for my career and am so thankful I can turn to friends in a time like this.{1F95C446-D1D0-4291-8BFD-38237A9F3E87

1 comment:

  1. i did it! he is really good...what a great idea and i will share with my email friends...good luck bradley! mary newc
