Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I know I know

I haven't been posting much lately. Life seems to be coming at me awfully fast these days. Between work, Young Life, my kids, my husband and friends...I feel really full-perhaps overcommitteed. But everything is working out, I just haven't had much time to catch up!

So this weekend, we had our annual leader retreat on Lake Keowee in South Carolina. It was beautiful! Our dear friends, the Troyers kept Asher for the weekend so we didn't have to take him. He had a great time with them all weekend and we had a GREAT time without him too. Not to say that we didn't want him around, but he is two and quite a handful around a big group. Lucy was much quieter and happier to just crawl around and be cute the whole weekend. She also was very happy to go with me to watch the Gamecock women's soccer team LOSE to Clemson at Clemson, 1-0. It was a bit devastating I have to say. To go from being undefeated to losing on a crap goal late in the 2nd half when we dominated the game was terrible. But it happens. The highlight of the game was seeing Charlotte Moore at the game and getting to catch up on all of our old soccer friends from USC.

It made me realize that I stink at keeping in touch with people. I mean, I just dropped almost all of these girls that I laughed, cried, cursed with and did just about everything with for four years. What the crap is wrong with me? I just moved on. It made me really sad and I have to say, I longed to be back with those friends again. I hope that we will work up a nice reunion sometime soon. I think enough time has passed for most of us to get over whatever crimes/hurts we walked away with so many years ago.

Anyway, Lucy and I went to the game and then we came back and partied with the YL leaders for the rest of the weekend. The weather was gorgeous and it was really fun. As soon as we got back, we had people over to the house for game night because we are gluttons for entertainment punishment and then the week got started back up.

I am worn out just from typing all of this. Tonight we had our 2nd YL club at TC Roberson and it was really fun. I am WAY behind on getting kids names down and it is getting stressful thinking about getting babysitters for the weeks to come. But I had a blast and we are just getting started there. It is an adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl. Thanks for the update. I must say that you are GREAT at keeping in touch with me and it makes me feel like a million bucks.

    Love you!

