Thursday, September 20, 2007

Kid Nation

So did anyone out there in BlogLand watch the first episode of Kid Nation last night on CBS? For those of you who don't know what it is, it's 40 kids sent out into a deserted town for 40 days to see if they can "make the town run." Which really means that it is Survivor for kids 8-15. While I don't revel in watching children cry and fight for an hour (oh wait, that is what I do ALL DAY LONG), it was a really interesting show. The most interesting aspect of it is going to come in the next few weeks as we see sociological hypothesis played out.

In last nights episode, they played a game for the opportunity to be upper class, merchants, cooks or laborers. I am going to put my sociological degree to good use and predict that the children will start to act out these roles and revel in the upper class positions and believe themselves to be "better" than all of the rest. The tension is going to ramp up and make this town nearly intolerable if they don't flip the working levels upside down mid-season. They will surely do this as then the drama will get even more intense as the kids learn empathy from the kids who were on top and now are on the bottom. And we will see payback when the kids who were on the bottom find themselves in the position of power and they learn what we all know, "mo money, mo problems."

All in all, this was a fun show to watch. Clean, no skin showing, a lot of poop talk and it was fun watching kids figure out how to do things that "grown-ups" typically do such as cooking, cleaning up and leading each other. For those of you who want to watch, check it out next Wednesday night at 8pm on CBS.

BTW: The pilot episode will be replaying on Saturday night at 8pm if you didn't catch it last night!


  1. Um, do they have a conch shell that they pass around? Because that might make me watch it.

  2. No, but they do give one kid a Gold Star-made of SOLID GOLD worth $20,000 every three days. So there is motivation to create a responsible society. It's pretty cool.
