Monday, February 25, 2008

Full Disclosure Week 4

Since my family was in town this past week, I only made it to the gym three times...but I stayed off of the sweets and I was a bit more active than usual thanks to four kids running around my house!

So here is week four: 136.6

Yay! I lost a pound and am about a pound and half from where I would like to maintain. I mean, who wouldn't love to be below 130? But at that point I might have to buy new clothes and I am comfortable at 135. So, a pound and half doesn't seem too unobtainable! That is great fun.

This is the last week of the staff challenge, but it has been so motivating I might try to keep it up. At least four days a week of exercise seems doable. I registered today to do a 12k trail run in the Dupont Forest on March 8 and I am thinking about a triathlon in June and possibly registering for the NYC Marathon lottery again.

I need to make up time with work obligations this week, so blogging might fall to the background again. But, it might also be something that I do obsessively as a way to put off my work! Haha!

How are all of you out there in blogland doing with your workout disciplines? Just a reminder, spring is a mere 25 days away! Are your legs ready for shorts weather?


  1. Are you kidding me? Never ready for shorts - bought a pair of capris yesterday that I plan to sweat through consistently!


  2. Luckily, here in Michigan, spring doesn't come until May. So, we still have a solid 2 months to work on the legs :)

  3. last week i only walked three days after being in atlanta on business from mon - thurs. however, i still lost 1.4 lbs and have now lost a total of 7.6 lbs since joining weight watchers on 1/26 and i am still motivated!! love ya, mary in albany
