Sunday, February 24, 2008

Kissing Cousins

My sister Shellie, her two kids and my parents all came to visit this sorry for the lack of posts. There literally was not enough time in the day to keep this blog updated! It was insane in the house, I mean four kids under the age of four. We called it the "Playdate that never ended!" Sometimes that was a good thing and sometimes it was not!

I have much to update you on, but I will do so later. For now, the pictures will have to speak a thousand words. Click on the flickr badge and check them out!

I will leave you with my favorite just to get you to go:


  1. I had so much fun during our 4 day playdate in Asheville! It was great to meet some of the other blogettes on Thursday night.
    Like you, my workouts have also fallen by the wayside but I'm hoping to get back on track soon.
    I was daydreaming about the Grove Park spa earlier today. After taking a shower today, I robed myself and had a cup of tea just so I could summon the experience a little.
    Love ya!

  2. wonderful pictures! thanks for sharing!! ~~ mary in albany
