Saturday, April 5, 2008

Cousins Make Everything Better

We got back this afternoon from Columbia and we had what you can only hope for during such a difficult time. It is a great reminder what a blessing Matt's family is and how much fun we have with them. Since we were all there for their grandmother's funeral, we surely were not planning on having a good time!

But the truth is, whenever your entire family gets together...bad things happen and frustrating moments occur.

Except this week.


The most frustrating part of the week was that Asher would not go to sleep easily. He kept escaping from his room at Jeannie and Kelly's house. We would put him to bed and a few minutes later, he would appear somewhere else in the house. At one point, we heard him break into Nate and Watt's room and say the words, "You guys are sooo CRAZY." oops, he sold himself out and had to go back to his room.

We really had as lovely a time as you can have when you are mourning and sad.

By Friday however, the children had experienced enough life hanging around with each other and we needed to get them out and about and so we planned a trip to the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia. I know that I blogged about it last year, but it really is a great zoo and we had an awesome time.

Blogger is being a PITA and so you just have to click on flickr to see the pics...

1 comment:

  1. We had so much fun with y'all! Love the zoo pics! Wish we lived closer together!
    Love you,
