Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Last night, Matt's grandmother, "Nana" passed away in Columbia, SC.

I am so sad over her passing. She was my kids great-grandmother and I thought for sure she was going to live forever. Not really, but she wasn't sick or failing in health for very long and so her death was pretty sudden for an 85-year old.

She loved my little Lucy so much. She would always ask about her and talk to people about sweet and pretty she is. It made me love Nana more that she loved my little girl so much.

Asher and Lucy spent a week at Matt's parents house in January and spent some time over at Nana and Papa's house. When we returned to Asheville, Asher told me that he wanted to "go to Nana/Papa's house and eat Jellybeans on their couch."

It was such a sweet little memory of his and he loved going over there because they always gave little treats of goldfish, sugar wafers or jellybeans. It is a good trick for great-grandparents to warm the hearts of finicky little kids.

We are going to miss Nana greatly. Every time it snowed in Asheville, we would call Nana and she would get such a kick out our "winter weather." We won't ever get to do that again.

Her love for the Gamecocks and Corey Jenkins in particular was unmatched. It was a sure thing that no matter what holiday/event/dinner that we were all around for that the conversation would move into all things Gamecocks and Nana would get all kinds of fired up. I love that she loved football, basketball and baseball. And that she hated Clemson.

We all love Nana and it won't ever be home again without her presence around the table.


  1. It sounds like she was a wonderful person and quite a character. I'm sorry for your loss.

  2. glad we got to talk.

    so sad for the Sloans.

    enjoy all the creamy casseroles & meat trays. mmmmm.....

    love you.

  3. Leslie - that's so sweet. thanks for writing that. I am struggling to find words to put on my blog. You captured what I want to say. Love you! -Buff
