Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I roll

Tonight, Matt and I bought a car.
We have been looking for months as we knew that my beloved 1998 Jeep Cherokee was on its way out since the catalytic converter began a death rattle a year ago.

It is not yet dead, thankfully or else we wouldn't get any trade-in value.

I really wanted a station-wagon (how sad of a sentence is that?). We only have two kids, so we don't need a minivan. I like the way a station wagon looks and I love the hauling capability of my Jeep. So I knew that I wanted something with a deep trunk.

The options?
Subaru Outback (which everyone said Matt would hate because of his height)
Volkswagen Jetta or Passat Wagon (that I really like)
Mazda 5 (seemed like compromising safety)
Volvo XC (out of our price range)

What did we end up with?Yes, that is the car in MY driveway! Volvo is a variation on the Latin phrase ''I roll.'' Hence the title of this post.
We got an incredible deal and ended up spending less money than we even budgeted on a car! I can not believe it.

Oh and they took my Jeep as a trade-in which is a minor miracle.

I feel like I don't even deserve to drive a car this nice. But it sure is beautiful. I am so fired up I can't even really talk about it.

Best part? I left my license at home and didn't get to test drive it before we bought it. That makes our house (which I did not see the inside of before we bought it) and my car that I simply trusted my husband's judgement. See? I am growing! Trust. What a beautiful thing!


  1. Do you know how jealous I am? I mean, wouldn't you rather drive a mini-van that SCREAMS, "I am a mom with many my 30s. I have no life." I do love my life, but I am LOVING your new car and missing my old one!
    It is awesome!
    Love you,

  2. I LOVE IT!

    i wanna roll down all the windows & open the sunroof & blare Michael Bolton whilst cruising Patton.

  3. I love it! That's great! COngrats and much love. Glad assignment went well. -the blands

  4. Welcome to the wagon world! You're gonna love it!
