Saturday, June 28, 2008

One Last Brag

This is a video from Windy Gap last week...Matt and Asher did a little program for the summer staff and work crew. 

Pretty much adorable. My favorite part? That he tries to breakdance with Matt.


  1. oh my goodness. he is too much. i love you little Asher Sloan!

  2. Could he be any more hilarious? You guys are in for it... he is Matt in the making!!! Thanks for posting!

  3. I'm either laughing too hard, or I'm just too darn old, to understand the dialogue .... please post/send me their give-and-take so I can enjoy this even more (if that's possible!). "Coming to a YL camp near you .... Master Asher."

  4. so here it goes...
    they are saying,
    "I'm Rob" and "I'm Gib"
    "We blend the toppings..."
    "That keeps the frowns from droppings."

    Doesn't make much more sense now does it???

  5. Thanks, Leslie ... who nees "sense"? Give me smiles and laughter.

    Enjoy your time on Holy Ground.
