Thursday, June 11, 2009

Good Days and Bad Days

We've had a couple of really good days with Asher since I last posted. Which is really nice. I think that we may have hit the bottom, which is what I am praying for.

We made it through another Day 4, pictures to follow-trust me on this one-they are cute as they can be.

But in the middle of the day yesterday, Matt had to lay down to take a nap. Uh-oh. There has been the plague going around camp and it visited our room yesterday.

By dinner, Matt had to excuse himself from the all camp sing-along (yes, we do that) and see the doctor. Who asked him, "How's this ear feeling?" Turns out Matt has a sinus infection AND an ear infection. Just like a 4 year old. Amazing.

Somehow, he was able to host the rest of dinner, the carnival, the Opera, AND the dance. After that, he made it through the afterparty and then crashed.

In the middle of this, Lucy started getting very upset over the program and MAD as a hornet at the bad guy threatening to burn down camp. So mad that she was shaking all over and her bottom lip was in full effect.
She was upset through the whole opera and wanted to go the whole time. Afterwards, I put the kids in bed around 10:30pm and when I saw Asher as usual around 7:15am I could see that all was well with him. But Lucy did not wake up until 10:30. AM.

Then she wanted to go back to bed at 2pm for nap. Until 5:30pm. That would be 15 and half hours of sleep TODAY. Then she was running a low grade fever. Awesome.

We are all hoping that this washes away with the 2 inches of rain that we have experienced today.


  1. I always feel so bad for the program guys on assignment when sickness rolls their way. Jason was a program guy for years when he was on staff and it's the one assignment that you can't call in sick. The show must go on...

    Praying for rest, healing and delightfully obedient children next week!

  2. So glad to read that you've had some better days. We'll be praying for Matt and Lucy to feel better soon and for you and Asher to stay well!

  3. i don't get sick, the germs just try to attack, and it's my duty to dominate them. Feeling better already.
    - Jims Wingo
