Friday, June 12, 2009

Pictures from Day 4

Here are the pictures that I promised you from Day 4 this week.

Lucy get yer gun with Amy Noll

Bryan and Lindsay Hancock coming into Tableau in the front end loader, scaring us and themselves half to death

You can't tell, but Lucy and I wore matching clothes in addition to our matching bonnets. It drew a collective "awww" from everyone who saw us. (which is always the goal)

Lucy is seriously enjoying cotton candy. Take a look at the squinty eye.

Look at my Marlboro Man. Mmmmmhmmm nothing like a man dressed like a cowboy to have you want to make more babies. Just kidding. A little.

Matt and Scott Roades dancing together joyfully after coming together in the Opera.


  1. Regarding this quote, "Mmmmmhmmm nothing like a man dressed like a cowboy to have you want to make more babies.": Uh, why do you think I married a born and raised Texaan-raised on a farm-cowboy myself? ;)

  2. Look at you channeling your inner Pioneer Woman :) Love you guys!

  3. those are ALL framers. could i love your family any more?!?!? i think not.

  4. I love seeing that Lucy, true Sloan that she is, is learning to make funny faces on cue!
    OOOOOOOOOO how I wish I could be there. It looks too fun for words!
    Blessings to all the staff.
    The RiRi
