Saturday, January 1, 2011


Now that it is 2011, many people spend the day writing blog posts about the year gone by and the year to come. 
In looking forward to 2011, I have dubbed it the Year of the Marriage. 
This is the 10th year that I will have been married.
Last year was one for the record books, probably most definitely due to me. 
I struggled with my own self-concept, my life roles changing and how to adapt as a wife, mother and friend to those around me. 
It left me frustrated, angry and joyful, hopeful and fearful all simultaneously. 
I put on as best a face going forward as I could.

But it made me-quite honestly...a mess-especially as a spouse.

Don't get me wrong. 
We had a great year! A spectacular year! 
But I was inwardly frustrated by the process of enjoying it. 
Does anyone else besides me go through this?
Thankfully, I have a cowboy who walks through me and can stand me even when he is the object of my wrath. 
Look how cute he is. 

So this year, instead of being frustrated by the process.
I hope to actively pursue healthiness in the midst of it. 
Matt and I started going to a great class at our church last semester.
Which really HELPED my mind get wrapped around my heart. 
And this Spring we are going to a week long marriage retreat (if we nail down the whole childcare bit). 
And then Matt is going to be off of work for three months this summer.
And we are planning a trip to France-just him and me. 
For two whole weeks. 
Who knows what the rest of the summer is going to hold. 
I can tell you one thing its going to mean-a LOT of time together. 
It's probably going to be a lot of work but with a man who can shake it like a polaroid picture next to me, 
and has been my best friend for 12 years...I am really hopeful for some amazing stories this time next year. 

2011. The year of the marriage. 
Do anything to make it better. 
Stop making it bad. 
Stop being mean. 
Love more.
Serve more. 
Laugh more. 


  1. freaky!!! I just posted an unbelievably similar post, then came to check your page. weird!

    Also, when is the marriage retreat? Maybe the Smiths can help?

  2. leslie, i love your honesty and sweet heart in this post. if i lived a little closer, would love to help you out with the childcare side of things. too bad texas is so far from nc, your kids are presh!
