Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Promises Promises

Not to be morbid AND critical, but I was on Facebook (like you do) and I saw that someone from my high school died. I clicked on the link to the obituary and they used the persons high school graduation picture.

Now, I definitely don't know this person anymore.
But it is really hard to believe that there was not one single picture that anyone could use in the last 12 years that more clearly defined them than one they took in July when they were 18.

I need you all to promise that whenever I die, whether it is tomorrow or 40 years from will not use my high school graduation picture in my obit.
Are we cool?
I said, ARE WE COOL?



  1. It's a deal, as long as you promise to do the same for me and choose the most flattering picture possible.

  2. i might use the picture of you from college when you "shaved" your head.....still love that sass in you!!!

  3. you shouldn't have done that. now i know for sure exactly what picture WILL be used. delicious.

  4. I think I can find a few pictures of you in college with some really fun hairstyles!!
