Thursday, May 23, 2013

It Begins Again!

Here we go again! Young Life has graciously asked us to go to Frontier Ranch in Buena Vista, CO for Young Life camp. 
We left yesterday afternoon for Columbia, SC and right now (4:44am) we are on our way to the airport! Flying to Chicago, then Denver. We will meet our team, board our bus and travel to camp-two hours away. This will be a long day. 

But at the end of the day, we will be sitting in the middle of a 14'r-Mt. Princeton. I can not wait. 

Here is the address for camp in case a little mail wanted to be sent our way: Frontier Ranch
22150 County Rd 322
Buena Vista, CO 81211

To recap, here are some pictures from the last time we were there!

We love you and will miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. Woohooo!! Excited for yall!! Brady will be there tomorrow, keep an eye on him for me!

