Thursday, May 23, 2013

Travel Day Update

We made it ALL THE WAY OUT HERE to Buena Vista, CO. We started at 4am and arrived at 4pm CST. 

Here are a few tasty pics from the day: 
Loved snack time

In flight entertainment rocked our faces off. 

Matt and Asher looked like rock stars in the Denver airport. Guitar and cowboy hat. Hilarious. 

The kids sitting on top of ALL OUR LUGGAGE. Five checked pieces. Plus two carryons for everyone. Geez. 
A three hour bus drive through the wilds of Colorado. 

Arrival at last! We just found out that a leader on our Young Life team at TC Roberson hung this sign in 1993. Isn't that so cool?! So many pictures are taken under this sign every year!
Fake it till you make it. Not looking as fresh as yesterday. But alive and with full hearts. AND NO PUKE. It's a miracle!

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