Saturday, June 8, 2013

Week 2 Update

This week has flown by!

I have been battling a cold that has now turned into a sinus infection, so if anyone wants to come out to Colorado and pay their last respects, now is the time. It really fees like death is knocking at my door (sadly) and I am hoping for a quick recovery. But in the meantime, I thought I would share with you some highlights from the week.

The kids have been having tons of fun! Frisbee golf, the bead cart, the Knoxville campers brought with them a game called "Spike Ball" and Asher has been killing it. Also, he and Charlie (his 7 year old best friend here) have been playing basketball and volleyball day and night and the work crew have been mightily impressed with their skills.

Lucy is writing and drawing as always and her stories are hilarious. I mean, hilarious. She has a brown haired doppleganger named Jessie and they spend from sunup to well past sundown together making up dances, singing songs etc. It is a kids paradise here.

I have been on my running streak here (39 days of running between Memorial Day and 4th of July), you just have to run at least one mile a day and post a picture daily of your accomplishment. It is through Runners World and I am so afraid that today will be my first day of missing. But I feel so icky. I don't know if even a 15 minute mile will be good for me. Ugh. I will be sad. I've run 12 days straight.
Me: Running outside in Colorado. Breathing what little oxygen there is. 

We'll see, I might do it anyway.

We've had a lovely week and these campers leave tonight! New ones (almost ALL from Texas) pull into camp tomorrow. It will be our third week already! CRAZY.

Matt is definitely exhausted. 

The sunsets here are incredible.

Matt and Will in their characters Quince and Splish as British Talent Scouts at the VMA's. It takes too long to explain. 

The pool party on the campers first night. SO MUCH FUN. 

The kids on the cart at the Volleyball tournament. 

My handsome cowboy. One girl even said he looked like Brad Pitt. I'll take that. 

Me and my little cowgirl.

Eat her with a spoon.

Handsomest kids around

And the sassiest.

Asher said "three high school girls wanted their picture taken with me last week." I bet they did. Heartbreaker.
He then spent the night on the cart leading camp in the dance. No lie. HE BROKE IT DOWN. It was awesome. 

This is our cabin. Lookout. Jim Rayburn would spend his summers here. It is AWESOME.

Our living room. Its casual. 

Obviously, our days are SUPER FULL. It is like living three days during one day. No wonder I'm sick!

We can't wait to have another week and a 1/2 here!

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