Sunday, June 16, 2013

Week 3 OV-ER

I can't believe that I am writing about how this week is already over! We did SO MANY THINGS. We wanted to wring out all that we could of this week, which meant day trips out of camp, nights that we stayed up until midnight (like the high school campers) and going on 9 mile hiking trips to the top of a 13-thousand foot mountain!

It has been AMAZING! We are slap-worn out! Everyone is crying. Emotional. Exhausted. It is wonderful. Over 150 kids stood up and proclaimed that they accepted Jesus into their hearts last night on the final night of camp. It was incredible.
One boy said, "I've never heard any of this before. I want Jesus." Talk about the tears.

So here at the pictures:
Asher has "joined" the Work Crew and helps with the welcome every week. He carries bags and has turned into a little mascot. It is hilarious. 

Camp was super full this past week with over 400 campers. We have even MORE this upcoming week! The dining hall is JAMMED. 

Lucy and the other little girls on the assigned team find ways to get all their gear from the Volleyball tournament. It is hilarious every week. 

The rodeo is one of my favorite events every week. It never gets old. 

It is blowing me away every single day here. 
This is the setup for what is called the "Western Revue". Matt and Will sing Western songs, tell jokes, do Western-type performances. It is hard to describe but it one of the best nights of the week at camp. It involves all of the assigned team kids. Here, Matt is giving them all instructions on being in the McAwesomestache Family Band. 

Here is the band. 

This is what is looks like when the lights come one and 400-something high school students and leaders are here! It is all set out doors under the Colorado sky and lit by lanterns. It is truly a magical night. 

We went to Rancho Caballo on Tuesday. It is a ranch that is run by Trail West the Young Life Family Camp that is 30 minutes away. They have a little petting zoo type area and gave our kids pony rides. The family camp does incredible things that is similar to a week of YL camp but based on family type activities. So they take families on jeep rides, go rafting and do awesome YL clubs and events all week long too. We were excited to visit for the day. 

Again, Asher looks like a giant. Hilarious. Next year he will have to ride the actual horses they have. Geez. 

On Wednesday we went to St. Elmo. A ghost town where you can feed chipmunks and well...that's about it. It is pretty random. But our kids had a blast. 

It was the night that never ends again on Wednesday night!
The kids were geared up and ready! 

On Thursday, it was High Country Day. We hiked Mt. Chrysolite. Asher wanted to go on the hike so after going to bed at midnight, we got him at up 6:30 and got ready for the mountain. Ever gone hiking with 400 high school students before? It is something to behold. 

He made it to the top like a champ! I was so proud of him! We had a great day hiking together. Matt had to help some campers for much of the hike up, but Asher and I had so much fun planning his birthday, chatting about life, third grade, etc. It was the highlight of the month for me. I don't know if you can tell by how much I am CHEESING FOR THE CAMERA! 

It is truly one of the most beautiful places to behold. Mostly because it is takes such an incredible effort to get 400 people of all kinds of abilities to the top of the mountain. I cry every time. 

This is Greta Millet. Matt did program with her dad back in 2002 and 2003. When she was younger than Asher. Now she is a camper. AND, she lives in Boerne,TX. Same town as Amy Noll. AND her parents started YL in Albany, GA. Where my parents live.  Pretty bizarre little world I live in. 

My little man feeling the accomplishment of a 13k mountain under his belt. 

Just taking it in. I love them.

This was how much snow was on the top. It was a LITTLE CRAZY. Up to Asher's waist.
This is why we haven't done the hike the last two weeks. 

This is about a 1/2 mile from the finish of the hike. And Asher is still in a good mood sticking his tongue out at the camera. He is hilarious. I love him! 

Our family portrait at the top! 

The sound intern took this picture on Wednesday night. Asher has taken to jumping on the wagon and helping to lead the dances with Matt and the program team. It is hilarious because he really can dance and he has NO fear. He just dances, HARD. It has been a great week here. 
We only have a few days left! We are meeting up with our high school friends to take them to Crooked Creek so they can have the best week of their lives next week. But this is our LAST week at Frontier Ranch. I can believe it!

1 comment:

  1. This is maybe your most awesome post! Tears of love for what y'all get to do each week!
