Friday, July 12, 2013

Affecting the Whole Family

I just watched this video from the founder of the Inheritance of Hope and I thought it would be helpful to share on here.

Kristin Milligan, the founder of IOH died in October this year and it is incredible to think that her vision of serving families during their deepest time of need is continuing on and thriving!

People have shared in other running blogs that being a charity runner for a marathon is really like running two marathons because of how much work goes into raising money AND running.

I didn't "get that" before, but now that I am looking down the barrel of another ~$4,500 to go for my goal, I TOTALLY get it.

If you have been thinking that maybe your wanted to wait to donate, maybe think about donating today? I start training this week and it would be so encouraging to have a solid 1/5 of the money raised. Or even 2/5 of the money raised!

Thank you so much for even considering this!
Inheritance of Hope Donation Page

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