Monday, July 8, 2013

Best Week of My Life

Last Monday we got back from YL camp at Crooked Creek. This marks this 16th summer of my life that I have spent at Young Life camps and I will be honest, this was one of my favorites.

These girls, their stories, their lives being changed--it was so much fun to be a part of.

We laughed so hard. Cried, enjoyed life together. There are so many stories to tell. But I just want you to know that I am so grateful for your prayers and consideration of care for us during this summer. We had an incredible time and these high school students have been forever changed by having an encounter with their Savior.

They have come home and want Him to run their lives. It is so fun to be a part of.

You can see in the pictures that their hearts, minds and eyes get lifted and more free as the week goes on. We truly love one another by the end of the week and I am so glad that I get to be home with them now for the rest of the summer.

All of Buncombe County Young Life. LOVE THESE PEOPLE!

These are my girls that made a declaration of faith at camp. I am so proud of them.

I was so sad to leave to Colorado. Wouldn't you be? Gah! 

The bus is pretty grody going on 24 hours. 

Love my cabin! They wanted to get together for a reunion after only being home for 24 hours. They are precious! 

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