Tuesday, October 15, 2013

18 Days!

It's official! I got my bib number, corral information and start time today. The best news I found out is that I get to run on the top level of the bridge leaving Staten Island. This is crucial because nervous runners will stop and pee while on the bridge and it hits the runners below (this may be runner rumor but I didn't want to find out) and it is way more picturesque to be on the top level! YAY! It is starting to get crazy around here.

AND I am only ~$75 away from raising $6000 for Inheritance of Hope!

This whole process has been crazy wonderful from start to finish and I really hope I get to do it again. It is thrilling and I find myself overwhelmed with thankfulness from top to bottom. Everyday that I go run, I can't believe that I am able to do it.

It sounds weird, but I haven't missed a single workout on my plan so far and I have no idea how that has happened except by grace. I didn't even do that in college when I was playing soccer! Every day that I knock off another workout, I literally stand amazed that I just completed what was asked of me.

There is a great article in Christianity Today about the rise of charity runners and the author said, "The running path became a kind of church for me. Part small group, part quiet time, part worship, part memory verse practice time (I wore out the verse "I can do all things for Christ who strengthens me"). I wasn't just developing my muscles. I was growing spiritually."

I can easily say the same for me.
I have been so encouraged. Deepened. Thoroughly challenged to become a different person through this process.

I've also noticed that because I'm so tired, I'm actually emotionally available to people where before I might have been more defensive or on the move.
I have time. I'm able to listen and not talk. I cry really easily.

I am already dreading this being over. I am sure I will have post-race depression. Sure of it.
18 Days!

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